
Research projects

Collection data and AI

Museums and AI network

The Museums and Artificial Intelligence Network will bring together a range of senior museum professionals and prominent academics to develop the conversation around AI, ethics and museums

Eye tracking tool

Eye-tracking for museum websites

Analysis of visual browsing and inspiration seeking patterns on museum online collections using eye-tracking

Recent publications

Visitor journey map

Visitor journey map

Visitor journey mapping at the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza: bringing cross-departmental collaboration to build a holistic and integrated visitor experience

Starry night artwork

Museum Collections on Wikipedia

Museum Collections on Wikipedia: Opening Up to Open Access Initiatives. This research identifies paintings in Wikidata and analyze their usage in the English Wikipedia to find substantial impact

Museums and AI

AI, Visitor Experience, and Museum Operations: A Closer Look at the Possible. This essay reflects on the emergence of AI in museums and its role in museum operations as these tools are becoming more widely used.

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