Since I started my PhD a few years ago I had one task on my to-do list that I am finally ticking off while writing this post. That is writing a blog in both Spanish and English to publish the results of my research. Well, here it is, better late than never. It has helped that my brother Miguel created this logo and developed this site. Now it’s time to add some content.
I am doing my PhD at the School of Museum Studies of the University of Leicester. My research aims to define an evaluation framework to measure the impact and value of museums on social media. In the next couple of months I will be finishing the fieldwork and hopefully soon after that I will start writing the thesis.
I will use this blog space to publish the data and results of the work I have been doing during this time, share notes of conferences I attend, papers that I am reading and interviews I have done to people working in the culture sector. I will be talking about metrics, metrics and more metrics! Hopefully that will generate some discussion and debate about audience research and evaluation in the arts.
Thanks for reading this intro post and hope to see you on this website again very soon.
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